LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Owen News ribbon cutting

Reflections and community feedback on the recent ribbon-cutting event for The Owen News, marking a significant milestone.

Letter to the Editor


Letter to the Editor


Jun 30, 2024

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Owen News ribbon cutting

What a heartwarming event the ribbon cutting for The Owen News was. Energetic young folks with backing from great organizations within the community got this wonderful, informative reporting of things that matter and are important in Sweet Owen. 

The first nonprofit newspaper in the state. I am just bursting with pride. 

I intend on donating to Owen News newspaper as my small part of not letting journalism die around the world. 

The news is being taken over by big money and power influences. In our little corner, there’s a beacon of light that’s emitting the happenings in Owen County. It reveals our small county life. What could be better?

Maureen Kipp

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